

Making a car insurance claim with boom

So you need to make a claim. We know that it isn’t anyone’s favourite situation, but to help make it easier we’ve set down the details of how the boom claims team will manage the process.

Firstly, you’re in good hands. While boom is new, the boom claims team has handled car insurance claims for our Group for years.  That’s a lot of experience working on claims just like yours. And the team is led by industry experts – claims professionals from some of the world’s best known insurance companies.

If you need to make a claim, our experienced team is here 24/7 to support you through the process. Call us to get the process started (you can find the number on our app)by speaking to one of our claims handlers

How to make a claim at boom

1. Get all your details together

If you have an accident

We know that if you have an accident, however small, it’s really shocking. The most important thing is to make sure you’re safe and not blocking traffic, but after that try to get as much information as possible at the scene. Get the other driver’s name and address, and ideally their insurance details. If you can, try to record as much detail from the scene as you can: take photos, note down injuries or damage and get witness details. We have lots of information here if you aren’t sure what information to gather or what else you should do if you have an accident.

If your car is stolen

The first thing you need to do is ring the police to file a report. Make sure you write down the case number to share with us.

If you discover your car is damaged (but you don’t know how)

Take pictures and note down all the details about the damage.

2.  Ring the boom claims team to report the claim as soon as you can

Ring us as soon as you can – ideally on the same day as the incident or that you discover the damage.

Our claims handlers will ask you lots of questions, so get ready with the information

If you’ve had an accident

They’ll want to know all those details, plus what happened and logistical information like whether the police were involved, if your car was towed and where it went . (Don’t worry about getting it – we’ll collect it and pay reasonable tow charges as part of the claim.)

As well as helping us understand the damage, this information will help us establish whose fault the accident was. This is important because it decides whether the claim will be made on yours or the other driver’s insurance (or, in the unusual instances where it’s not clear whose fault it was, split 50/50). This affects whether you’ll need to pay your excess. There’s lots more information on what you need to pay if you make a claim and what happens if the other driver doesn’t have insurance here.

If your car has been stolen

You should have already reported this to the police. They will investigate and provide a reference number for your case.  Once they have completed their investigations, they will let you know and send you a report. Forward this on to us, and we’ll verify it to start processing the claim.

Quite often thieves steal cars, use them for a specific crime and then abandon them. If your car is rediscovered and after any police investigations are completed, we’ll move through the following steps to get it repaired. But if it can’t be found then it will be declared a total loss (head to step 7).

If your car has been damaged

Share details of the damage, including pictures if you can. We’ll begin the process of the claim.

3. We’ll assign your car to a repair shop

Once we have all the details and we’re happy that your insurance covers the incident, we’ll assign your car to one of or recommended repair shops. We’ll take into account if it needs a specialist engineer, for example if it’s an electric vehicle. The repairer will be in touch to let you know when and where you need to take it to by email or by phone.

4. If we can, we’ll arrange a courtesy car

Depending on your cover and the circumstances of your claim, we’ll arrange a courtesy car for you. If your car isn’t drive-able, we’ll get this delivered to your home. Or if it’s more convenient we’ll work with the repair shop so you can swap your car for it when you drop your damaged car in for repairs.

We’ll discuss this with you at the time.

5. The repair shop assesses the damage and calculates the cost

Once the repair shop receives your car, they’ll assess the damage to come up with an itemised list of what needs to be done. Then they’ll look at the cost of labour and of ordering any new parts.

An independent assessor will check that the repair list is accurate and the costs seen reasonable.

Once that’s been approved one of two things will happen.

6. Your car gets repaired…

Usually, the repairs will be approved and the engineers will get on with it. This will take a few days as it is likely parts will need to be ordered. Once the main repairs are completed, it will be quality checked and any small snagging issues will be corrected.

Once this is completed you can either collect your car or we’ll get it back to you.

7. … or declared a total loss

A total loss is where the cost of repair is more than the total value of the car or if the car has been stolen and hasn’t been found.

In this case, we’ll calculate a settlement figure based on the current market value of your car and send this to over to you. If you agree with it, then we’ll pay you within five days.

What happens next?

The claims process is over and you should be back on the road. We hope you won’t need the boom claims team again soon, but if you do you know where we are.

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